Уреаплазма, анаэробный дисбиоз

  • 2023-06-16 00:50:33

Hello, respected doctor! My name is Anzhelika and I have some questions regarding my test results. I recently underwent a femoflor test, and the results showed that I tested positive for ureaplasma spp at a level of 5.4 logs, which is above the diagnostic threshold as noted in the conclusion. Additionally, lactobacillus spp was also detected in my sample at a level of 10^5.3 relative lg (x/bm), with a value of -3.2.

Based on these results, I have a few questions that I hope you can help me with. Firstly, what exactly is ureaplasma spp and how could I have contracted it? Is it a sexually transmitted infection or can it be caused by other factors?

Secondly, since my test results indicate that I have a relatively high level of lactobacillus spp, is this a good or bad sign? Could it possibly mean that my body is already fighting off the ureaplasma infection on its own with the help of lactobacillus bacteria?

Finally, what are the next steps I should take in regards to treating the ureaplasma spp infection? Are antibiotics necessary or is there any way to naturally boost my immune system to help fight it off?

Thank you for your time and expertise in helping me understand my test results and what steps I should take next.

  • Игорь Александрович

    Здравствуйте, Анжелика! Результат вашего анализа свидетельствует о наличии уреаплазмы. Вам необходимо пройти лечение этого заболевания. Лечащий врач назначит вам соответствующие препараты и определит длительность курса. После лечения нужно будет повторно сдать анализы, чтобы убедиться в отсутствии инфекции. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к своему врачу для консультации и назначения лечения."

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